Termite nests left unchecked can cause serious, even devastating damage to the structural integrity of your home. Experts estimate termite damages run into the billions each year, more than most other housing damages combined.
Each and every home, even if made from materials other than wood, is vulnerable to termite infestation, if there is sufficient warmth, moisture and food available.
All of our termite and white ant treatments start with an initial inspection. This process defines the number and species of the infestation as well as allows us to inventory termite attractants.
We use up-to-date technology such as Infra-Red thermometers, moisture meters and microwave tracking equipment called Termatrac to pinpoint locations of nests and help us make informed estimates as to the size of each colony.
After inspection our certified exterminator will meet with you about the findings and assist you to make informed decisions about eradication and/or prevention of termite infestations.
Some methods of containment and control make use of the Termidor dust and a chemical preventative. Our chemical preventative treatments are done with Termidor (liquid termiticide) which has given us a 95% success rate.