Termites are everywhere across Australia and certainly in the Peel region due to the large bodies of water and close bush land and you may be infested without even knowing.
According to the CSIRO 1 in 3 Australian homes will get termites or white ants. So if you don't have termites at the moment, chances are one of your neighbours does. And millions of timber-munching termites could soon be marching your way.
The Australian Standards 3660.2.2000 spells out how inspections should be conducted, but here we go beyond the Australian Standard minimum. At every inspection we set excellent standards achieving excellent results. We’ll spend the “time it takes & more” to check your home and garden. You’ll receive a comprehensive & understandable report detailing any issues we found on your property.
The team at Mandurah and Peel Pest Services take about 2 hours to check everything thoroughly. They start outside by inspecting the fence, trees and logs - looking for any signs of termite activity in the yard. Then they check the exterior of your home including the guttering, hot water overflows, air-conditioning condensation pipes, weep holes, and concrete.
Inside they check the architraves, door and window frames, skirting boards, walls, and carpet edging. They even crawl into the ceiling paying particular attention to areas above bathrooms and laundry where moisture is likely to attract termites. And finally they look under your home - inspecting piers, ant caps, and cavity walls.